Sunday, September 29, 2013

Felt Fun

I had some left over materials from the Halloween costume project I have been working on.  Just as I was folding up the scraps of felt about to put them in the craft box, I remembered the felt flowers I had seen on Pinterest.  I remember being surprised at the simplicity of the craft and thought….it can’t be that easy!   With the hot glue gun and scissors already out…I thought I’d give it a try!  (Now you do need a good pair of sharp scissors) I followed the steps in the photo,  exactly as I found on it on Pinterest, which was:

For the bottom I just cut out a small circle of felt, hot glued the bottom and stuck a skewer stick (literally from my kitchen drawer…sometimes you have to be resourceful, Ha!) in the bottom of the flower, and you have a cute, cheery  felt blossom!  Put them in a mason jar and they provide a lovely little centerpiece for my dining room table.  

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