Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fatherly Love

This is the second time I have had the joy of shooting Nate and Griffin.    I must say I just adore their bond: playful, sweet and filled with love!  And I have to admit, if it were legal to kidnap a kid…I would choose Griffy.  Common, look at that face!  We went to my favorite downtown spot for a morning shoot…here are a few moments we captured. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

'Send Me'

A manager at my work was going on a trip to Jerusalem and offered to take our written down prayers to Jerusalem’s Western Wall.  So excited at the opportunity, I wrote on a little yellow post-it, with two simple words: ‘Send Me.’  While I know the Lord hears my prayers, I think He used the little yellow post-it in a major way….

Since high school I have had a weird attraction/pull to Africa, anytime someone would speak of Africa, or a news channel would cover a story on Africa I would find myself completely captivated.  I have always desired to serve internationally to experience and understand other peoples view on who God is, how they worship and love Him.  I have watched and greatly admired many peers go and be sent out on many great adventures, crazily following God’s call.  But I lacked the belief/confidence that God had something that incredible for me.   I don’t have a degree, or a valuable trade like medicine or a background in construction that would be valuable on mission trips.  I have always felt like I wasn’t equipped, talented or skilled enough to go.  However, the truth is God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.  I believe that God has called me into a season that requires me to get off my knees and pray, to be courageous enough to go boldly in the direction of my dreams and pray God will bless the journey.  By no means can I afford to go to Africa to serve on my own, but living by faith alone I know God will open doors and provide. 

Is it scary, HECK yea!

Self-Doubting, been there.

Am I right where God wants me to be, ABSOLUTELY. 

As I blew out the candles to my 27th birthday cake, my wish was to “ always be in God’s Will,”  what a beautiful feeling to know I am there….